Watch out – 10 most important insurances in Germany

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In Germany there are a lot of insurances for all situations. Some more and some less necessary, expensive and useful!

Here you can see an overview of the most important and most common insurances in Germany.


Some are mandatory and some optional and according to safety perception and budget.


The mandatory insurances in Germany are health, pension, nursing care and unemployment insurance.


  1. Health insurance: Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. You can choose between statutory health insurance and private health insurance, depending on your income and personal circumstances. Statutory health insurance is usually more common and covers essential medical treatments.

  2. Social insurance: this covers contributions to various social insurance programs, including health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, and long-term care insurance. Contributions are usually shared between employer and employee.

  3. Pension insurance: This insurance ensures that you receive a pension when you retire. Both you and your employer contribute to your pension insurance.

  4. Unemployment insurance: Unemployment insurance provides financial assistance if you become unemployed. Contributions are shared between you and your employer.

  5. Accident insurance: This insurance covers accidents that happen during working hours and on the way to and from work. Employers usually provide accident insurance for their employees.

  6. Liability Insurance: Although not required by law, liability insurance is highly recommended. It covers damage you might accidentally cause to others or their property.

  7. Liability insurance: Although not required by law, liability insurance is strongly recommended. It covers damage you might accidentally cause to others or their property.

    Household contents insurance: If you have your own accommodation in Germany, this insurance protects your personal belongings against theft, damage or destruction.

  8. Legal expenses insurance: This insurance covers the costs of legal disputes. It is not mandatory, but can be useful.

  9. Automobile insurance: if you own a car, you will need automobile insurance to cover potential accidents, damages, and liability.

  10. Supplemental health insurance: You might consider supplemental health insurance to cover additional services not included in standard health insurance, such as dental care, private hospital rooms, or alternative therapies.

10 biggest insurances in Germany and how to compare them

As you can see, there is no shortage of insurable risks.


What specifically makes sense for everyone depends on their risk appetite or sense of security and the available budget.


This is where an insurance broker comes into play who can cover individual needs with products.


Here there are differences between intermediaries and brokers that mainly in the product range offers.


A broker may offer different companies.


Also, many insurance policies can be concluded online via online broker like Check24 or Verivox.

Who informs himself a little and finalize the deal onine can save a lot of commission here!


Especially insurances where there is not so much frequent contact necessary is here in the pole.

Or you simply read up on us or write to us directly via social media or the contact form. We are always happy to help and can offer more specific informations and services. Just contact us over on of our channels.

Here is a list with some of the oldest, biggest, most wellknown and serious insurances in germany. Compare them with Check24 or Verivox.



The differences between serious Insurances and MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) insurances we explain in the next article. Here you have to be careful especially as a foreigner cause they sell very costly contracts and are very penetrating.


Examples for such companies are the DVAG or Hamburg-Mannheim International (HMI). These ones are working with mostly uneducated sales people and customer adresses that are given by them to the company. Read more in our Article “MLM insurances in Germany.”

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